Happy 1st *official* day of summer. It is sunny and 80, which is a nice change of pace from the rainy weather.
This weekend was wild and crazy! Saturday was Jamie's Bachelorette Party where 12 ladies hopped on a keg bus at 10:30 AM to drink and eat on the drive to wineries in Western Maryland. After wine tastings and vodka chugs, we were dropped off at the house at around 4:30 pm to change clothes and freshen up. The bus driver then dropped us off at Caddie's for appetizers and drinks. A couple hours later we left the bar to go back home to meet a "male entertainer" which my first experience with this sort of thing, and I must say that I was appalled and found it really repulsive. Yuck! My little eyeballs are still hurting from that scene. The only thing I will say is that I have more hair on my body than this man did!!!!! That is not a good sign!
We then kept the party going with flip cup and a dance party at Rock Bottom Brewery in Bethesda that lasted until 2 am. You can only imagine the night of a handful of girls drinking from 10 AM until 1 AM. Straight! It was wild.
Sunday was spent recuperating and recovering. I laid on the couch and did not move until it was time to pick up Casey and Chad at BWI airport and then made baked spaghetti for everyone. Kevin and I had a nice evening together after not seeing each other for about four days by sharing stories and doing sudoku puzzles (we are such an old couple)!

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