I am sure all of you have heard by now about the Red Line Metro Crash that happened Monday night. My heart and thoughts go out to the victims and families that were hurt by this terrible accident. Words can't even explain how much my heart hurts for the families of those affected because it is such a "freak accident." One that I have always been terrified that would happen and now that it has, it seems like a bad nightmare.
Here is the story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/linkset/2009/06/23/LI2009062301806.html.
This morning was my first time back on the Red Line since the terrible accident and as expected, there are packed cars and long waits. My 20 minute metro ride to Dupont Circle took almost an hour this morning and I felt like a sardine. The investigation is still going on at the Takoma Park metro stop so the delays and inconveniences will bleed into the majority of next week,, as well.
This morning was my first time back on the Red Line since the terrible accident and as expected, there are packed cars and long waits. My 20 minute metro ride to Dupont Circle took almost an hour this morning and I felt like a sardine. The investigation is still going on at the Takoma Park metro stop so the delays and inconveniences will bleed into the majority of next week,, as well.
On a happy note, my week has gone by super fast. Yesterday, me and Casey both got off work early and since she was driving right past my work, she picked me up and we went to a happy hour together. We had a blast. It was an interesting night. We wanted to go to a bar in Adams Morgan that had $1 Miller Lights. After we walked there in the sweltering heat, we were turned away because the bar was closed due to a movie being shot there that includes Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon. Honest to God, I could not have cared less. I just wanted a BIG, COLD, CHEAP BEER and that was not happening. We then walked back towards sister's house and stopped at a Greek/Mediterranean restaurant with patio seating because they were advertising $3 Margaritas and $5 Martinis, The Martinis looked huge and the Margaritas looked like the perfect drink to cool me off after the long, unsuccessful walk. After finally making the tough decision of what drink to order, I ended up with the frozen margarita, sister got a french martini, and chad got an electric lemonade martini. We quickly realized that our drinks tasted more like children drinks from sippy cups than mature adult drinks. My margarita tasted like a super sweet lemonade and resembled a slushie (granted it was the best lemonade slushie I have ever had--not what I ordered). Casey's French martini tasted like a Blue Tootsie Pop and was the color to match. After complaining of our "virgin" drinks and sipping them down rather quickly to catch a different happy, we both looked at each other and felt fuzzy. Maybe there was alcohol in it after all---it just goes to show that even if you don't taste it, it could still be there. After stumbling over to an Irish bar to grab a couple $3 beers and potato boats, we went back to sister's house to meet Kevin and play Scattergories. Let's just say that the game did not go well because I am a "little" too competitive and threw numerous fits.
What do you think about this round?:
The letter on the die is A.
1. Things found in the sixties.
2. Things found in Vegas.
1. My answer to #1 was ashes.
2. Chad's answer to #2 was Assholes.
They counted chad's answes to the Vegas question, but said my answer for the sixties does not count. WTF? The sixties was a huge era of drugs, sex and rock and roll and there were tons of ashes everywhere from cigs and joints. WHATEVER!
So today I am struggling through another work day because I stayed up too late last night and there is no time to rest because tonight is another happy hour but this time, it is with the Academies girls (my besties)! hooray! I can't wait. After work, we are headed across the street to 51st state (I love this dive bar because they play my music) and then going dancing in Dupont Circle at our old standby, Front Page. Hooray for girls and our friends.
Well time to get back to work. Have a great Thursday and I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend!:)

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