Thursday, June 25, 2009
A Crash
I am sure all of you have heard by now about the Red Line Metro Crash that happened Monday night. My heart and thoughts go out to the victims and families that were hurt by this terrible accident. Words can't even explain how much my heart hurts for the families of those affected because it is such a "freak accident." One that I have always been terrified that would happen and now that it has, it seems like a bad nightmare.
Here is the story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/linkset/2009/06/23/LI2009062301806.html.
This morning was my first time back on the Red Line since the terrible accident and as expected, there are packed cars and long waits. My 20 minute metro ride to Dupont Circle took almost an hour this morning and I felt like a sardine. The investigation is still going on at the Takoma Park metro stop so the delays and inconveniences will bleed into the majority of next week,, as well.
This morning was my first time back on the Red Line since the terrible accident and as expected, there are packed cars and long waits. My 20 minute metro ride to Dupont Circle took almost an hour this morning and I felt like a sardine. The investigation is still going on at the Takoma Park metro stop so the delays and inconveniences will bleed into the majority of next week,, as well.
On a happy note, my week has gone by super fast. Yesterday, me and Casey both got off work early and since she was driving right past my work, she picked me up and we went to a happy hour together. We had a blast. It was an interesting night. We wanted to go to a bar in Adams Morgan that had $1 Miller Lights. After we walked there in the sweltering heat, we were turned away because the bar was closed due to a movie being shot there that includes Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon. Honest to God, I could not have cared less. I just wanted a BIG, COLD, CHEAP BEER and that was not happening. We then walked back towards sister's house and stopped at a Greek/Mediterranean restaurant with patio seating because they were advertising $3 Margaritas and $5 Martinis, The Martinis looked huge and the Margaritas looked like the perfect drink to cool me off after the long, unsuccessful walk. After finally making the tough decision of what drink to order, I ended up with the frozen margarita, sister got a french martini, and chad got an electric lemonade martini. We quickly realized that our drinks tasted more like children drinks from sippy cups than mature adult drinks. My margarita tasted like a super sweet lemonade and resembled a slushie (granted it was the best lemonade slushie I have ever had--not what I ordered). Casey's French martini tasted like a Blue Tootsie Pop and was the color to match. After complaining of our "virgin" drinks and sipping them down rather quickly to catch a different happy, we both looked at each other and felt fuzzy. Maybe there was alcohol in it after all---it just goes to show that even if you don't taste it, it could still be there. After stumbling over to an Irish bar to grab a couple $3 beers and potato boats, we went back to sister's house to meet Kevin and play Scattergories. Let's just say that the game did not go well because I am a "little" too competitive and threw numerous fits.
What do you think about this round?:
The letter on the die is A.
1. Things found in the sixties.
2. Things found in Vegas.
1. My answer to #1 was ashes.
2. Chad's answer to #2 was Assholes.
They counted chad's answes to the Vegas question, but said my answer for the sixties does not count. WTF? The sixties was a huge era of drugs, sex and rock and roll and there were tons of ashes everywhere from cigs and joints. WHATEVER!
So today I am struggling through another work day because I stayed up too late last night and there is no time to rest because tonight is another happy hour but this time, it is with the Academies girls (my besties)! hooray! I can't wait. After work, we are headed across the street to 51st state (I love this dive bar because they play my music) and then going dancing in Dupont Circle at our old standby, Front Page. Hooray for girls and our friends.
Well time to get back to work. Have a great Thursday and I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend!:)

Monday, June 22, 2009
First Day of Summer:)
Happy 1st *official* day of summer. It is sunny and 80, which is a nice change of pace from the rainy weather.
This weekend was wild and crazy! Saturday was Jamie's Bachelorette Party where 12 ladies hopped on a keg bus at 10:30 AM to drink and eat on the drive to wineries in Western Maryland. After wine tastings and vodka chugs, we were dropped off at the house at around 4:30 pm to change clothes and freshen up. The bus driver then dropped us off at Caddie's for appetizers and drinks. A couple hours later we left the bar to go back home to meet a "male entertainer" which my first experience with this sort of thing, and I must say that I was appalled and found it really repulsive. Yuck! My little eyeballs are still hurting from that scene. The only thing I will say is that I have more hair on my body than this man did!!!!! That is not a good sign!
We then kept the party going with flip cup and a dance party at Rock Bottom Brewery in Bethesda that lasted until 2 am. You can only imagine the night of a handful of girls drinking from 10 AM until 1 AM. Straight! It was wild.
Sunday was spent recuperating and recovering. I laid on the couch and did not move until it was time to pick up Casey and Chad at BWI airport and then made baked spaghetti for everyone. Kevin and I had a nice evening together after not seeing each other for about four days by sharing stories and doing sudoku puzzles (we are such an old couple)!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
If this rain does not go away... I am going to be one upset young lady. Sheesh. It has been cold and rainy for far to long now. I heard this weekend is supposed to be sunny, hot, and humid. I will believe that when I see it.
Last night I met my friend Ali & my sister at the Melting Pot for a goodbye dinner. We got the hook up from the wait staff and got a glass of wine, cheese, and chocolate fondue for $30! wow! The cheese alone was supposed to be $18! wow. that is amazing! Ali is leaving within the week to move to Providence to be with her fiance and start her new job. I will miss her dearly but am happy that after three years, she will be with her man.
After dinner, I hopped on the metro home and finished "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao." SO GOOD! Please read! I give it 2 big thumbs up and was a pretty fast read because there were times I didn't want to put it down. As I have mentioned in a previous post, there are some sentences and statements made in Spanish and since I do not speak Spanish, I did not know what it said so I just skimmed over those parts. I didn't feel like I missed much not knowing the language.
I am now starting the book club book, "Midnight's Children" by Salman Rushdie. I am not so excited about this book. Jordan and I just picked it up on Monday from the book store and were told at our book club meeting that it is a sort book of no more than 300 pages, but in fact it is a big book of almost 600 pages and the font is VERY SMALL! Hmm...i am a little worried that I will have a hard time finishing it before our July 7th meeting--I will make it work! Goodbye Social Life! :)
Kevin leaves for Myrtle Beach today with his friends for Brian's Bachelor Party. I am really sad that he is leaving because we are on a really good note right now and I want his company! Casey and chad are leaving for Indiana tomorrow for one of their friend's weddings and will be there until Sunday afternoon. Casey is so funny because it is her first "real" wedding. She is a nervous wreck on what to wear and how to act because the only weddings she knows are the ones that happen in Tell City and those are never a reflection
of what a wedding is like in a big city.
I really do not have much planned but to catch up on sleep, go to wineries in Virgnia for Jamie's Bachelorette Party, pick Casey & Chad up from the airport on Sunday and go see a movie.
Speaking of a movie, I wanted to send a quick reminder:
MY SISTER'S KEEPER comes out in the movie theater this Friday, June 26th!!! Hooray. I am going to try and recruit Casey and my friend Amanda to go see it with me on Sunday evening. It is going to be sooo sad. The book was the saddest book I have ever read and I teared up just watching the preview. I am going to need lots of Kleenex's.
Last night I met my friend Ali & my sister at the Melting Pot for a goodbye dinner. We got the hook up from the wait staff and got a glass of wine, cheese, and chocolate fondue for $30! wow! The cheese alone was supposed to be $18! wow. that is amazing! Ali is leaving within the week to move to Providence to be with her fiance and start her new job. I will miss her dearly but am happy that after three years, she will be with her man.
After dinner, I hopped on the metro home and finished "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao." SO GOOD! Please read! I give it 2 big thumbs up and was a pretty fast read because there were times I didn't want to put it down. As I have mentioned in a previous post, there are some sentences and statements made in Spanish and since I do not speak Spanish, I did not know what it said so I just skimmed over those parts. I didn't feel like I missed much not knowing the language.
I am now starting the book club book, "Midnight's Children" by Salman Rushdie. I am not so excited about this book. Jordan and I just picked it up on Monday from the book store and were told at our book club meeting that it is a sort book of no more than 300 pages, but in fact it is a big book of almost 600 pages and the font is VERY SMALL! Hmm...i am a little worried that I will have a hard time finishing it before our July 7th meeting--I will make it work! Goodbye Social Life! :)
Kevin leaves for Myrtle Beach today with his friends for Brian's Bachelor Party. I am really sad that he is leaving because we are on a really good note right now and I want his company! Casey and chad are leaving for Indiana tomorrow for one of their friend's weddings and will be there until Sunday afternoon. Casey is so funny because it is her first "real" wedding. She is a nervous wreck on what to wear and how to act because the only weddings she knows are the ones that happen in Tell City and those are never a reflection
of what a wedding is like in a big city.
I really do not have much planned but to catch up on sleep, go to wineries in Virgnia for Jamie's Bachelorette Party, pick Casey & Chad up from the airport on Sunday and go see a movie.
Speaking of a movie, I wanted to send a quick reminder:
MY SISTER'S KEEPER comes out in the movie theater this Friday, June 26th!!! Hooray. I am going to try and recruit Casey and my friend Amanda to go see it with me on Sunday evening. It is going to be sooo sad. The book was the saddest book I have ever read and I teared up just watching the preview. I am going to need lots of Kleenex's.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Who Knew Social Lives Were So Exhausting

This has been a productive Monday. I have booked my travel arrangements to Dallas and Vegas, started my expense reports, ordered my new business cards, worked on two different checklists and paid my company credit card. I am exhausted! Sheesh.
I am a little perturbed at the moment as I am having contact issues with these new contacts because I can't see out of them and they irritate my eyes. I am so annoyed with them because I am to the point where I want to rip them out of my eyeballs!! Everything is blurry and my eyes are itchy. I thought contacts were supposed to help your vision, not make it harder to see.
Casey and I spent a lot of time together this weekend as we went out to dinner and dancing on Friday and then she, chad, and I went kayaking yesterday afternoon and then to a public pool in Bethesda. It was a hefty price of $7.50 and we only stayed an hour and a half. wow. We really wanted to swim in a pool, what can I say?
I have a super busy week, especially coming back from a week out of the office and away from home. I have tons of laundry, dry cleaning, and cleaning to do but it will have to wait because tonight I am heading over to sister's house for dinner and to look at dress selections for a weekend wedding she is attending in Indiana. Tomorrow I am going to Body Pump and then seeing The Hangover with Kevin. Wednesday I am meeting my friend Ali at The Melting Pot for a celebration dinner to celebrate her promotion and move to Providence, which is in a couple of weeks:( Thursday Kevin leaves for Myrtle Beach for Brian's Bachelor Party and I have to work late. Friday means another long day at work and then crashing once my little head hits my pillow and I love on the babies for a little while. Saturday is Jamie's Bachelorette Party which is a bus ride to Virginia to do a wine tasting tour and then Sunday is a rest day to recuperate. I am exhausted just thinking about this hectic week.
I am a little perturbed at the moment as I am having contact issues with these new contacts because I can't see out of them and they irritate my eyes. I am so annoyed with them because I am to the point where I want to rip them out of my eyeballs!! Everything is blurry and my eyes are itchy. I thought contacts were supposed to help your vision, not make it harder to see.
Casey and I spent a lot of time together this weekend as we went out to dinner and dancing on Friday and then she, chad, and I went kayaking yesterday afternoon and then to a public pool in Bethesda. It was a hefty price of $7.50 and we only stayed an hour and a half. wow. We really wanted to swim in a pool, what can I say?
I have a super busy week, especially coming back from a week out of the office and away from home. I have tons of laundry, dry cleaning, and cleaning to do but it will have to wait because tonight I am heading over to sister's house for dinner and to look at dress selections for a weekend wedding she is attending in Indiana. Tomorrow I am going to Body Pump and then seeing The Hangover with Kevin. Wednesday I am meeting my friend Ali at The Melting Pot for a celebration dinner to celebrate her promotion and move to Providence, which is in a couple of weeks:( Thursday Kevin leaves for Myrtle Beach for Brian's Bachelor Party and I have to work late. Friday means another long day at work and then crashing once my little head hits my pillow and I love on the babies for a little while. Saturday is Jamie's Bachelorette Party which is a bus ride to Virginia to do a wine tasting tour and then Sunday is a rest day to recuperate. I am exhausted just thinking about this hectic week.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm an Extraordinary Machine..
Hello Family & Friends-
I am writing from the windy city, Chicago. It is in fact, very windy. In fact, people are walking around in uggs and winter coats because it isn't even 60 degrees. Unbelievable considering I left the Dallas sunshine this morning where the highs have been in the upper 90s. *SIGH*
Dallas was a lot of fun. My co worker and I found a mere two hours to lay out at the pool and believe it or not, we both got sunburned. who knew that the Texas sun was so strong. I really enjoyed my time in Dallas because we were treated like royalty, which was a nice change of pace for a hotel. It was quite nice, indeed. My coworker's flight back to DC was cancelled last night due to storms in DC so she cabbed back to the Ritz and we went to dinner at a small rooftop bar that played the BEST MUSIC. I was happy as a clam when we found that little gem. Things only got 100% better once I found out they had my all time favorite beer, FAT TIRE, on tap. Life is good! The best part about it was that they were only $2! ALL NIGHT! wow. After 2 slices of pizza and 4 fat tires, we stumbled into a cab only to be greeted by the strangest taxicab driver ever. His taxi smelled of fried food and body odor and he had so much trash in his cab that it looked like a recycling bin on wheels. The weirdest part is that he had a picture of himself on the dashboard to prove his taxi man license and he was wearing the exact same shirt in the picture as he was when he picked us up. This means one of two things:
1) he got his license that very day
2) he lives out of his van cab and doesn't have a change of clothes
The verdict is still out on that one...
So tonight, I met up with my BEST friend from college, katie moore. Everything was exactly as I remembered between us, even though we haven't seen each other in over a year and half. We just talked the night away over Italian food and it was the best couple of hours all week.
BIG NEWS: As I am sure you all have heard by now, Carrie Prejean was finally asked to step down from her role as Miss California *sigh of relief*!! Apparently she wasn't doing her speaking obligations and not holding to her contract so Donald Trump used his famous two words, "You're Fired!"
Well that is all for now! Before I go, I want to give a second to my dear friend Jordan who's dad had to have open heart surgery after going in for a simple stress test. I am thinking of her and her family and wishing his dad a speedy recovery. I would just like to ask that you all keep her in your thoughts and prayers (if you do that sort of thing). Thanks a million!

I am writing from the windy city, Chicago. It is in fact, very windy. In fact, people are walking around in uggs and winter coats because it isn't even 60 degrees. Unbelievable considering I left the Dallas sunshine this morning where the highs have been in the upper 90s. *SIGH*
Dallas was a lot of fun. My co worker and I found a mere two hours to lay out at the pool and believe it or not, we both got sunburned. who knew that the Texas sun was so strong. I really enjoyed my time in Dallas because we were treated like royalty, which was a nice change of pace for a hotel. It was quite nice, indeed. My coworker's flight back to DC was cancelled last night due to storms in DC so she cabbed back to the Ritz and we went to dinner at a small rooftop bar that played the BEST MUSIC. I was happy as a clam when we found that little gem. Things only got 100% better once I found out they had my all time favorite beer, FAT TIRE, on tap. Life is good! The best part about it was that they were only $2! ALL NIGHT! wow. After 2 slices of pizza and 4 fat tires, we stumbled into a cab only to be greeted by the strangest taxicab driver ever. His taxi smelled of fried food and body odor and he had so much trash in his cab that it looked like a recycling bin on wheels. The weirdest part is that he had a picture of himself on the dashboard to prove his taxi man license and he was wearing the exact same shirt in the picture as he was when he picked us up. This means one of two things:
1) he got his license that very day
2) he lives out of his van cab and doesn't have a change of clothes
The verdict is still out on that one...
So tonight, I met up with my BEST friend from college, katie moore. Everything was exactly as I remembered between us, even though we haven't seen each other in over a year and half. We just talked the night away over Italian food and it was the best couple of hours all week.
BIG NEWS: As I am sure you all have heard by now, Carrie Prejean was finally asked to step down from her role as Miss California *sigh of relief*!! Apparently she wasn't doing her speaking obligations and not holding to her contract so Donald Trump used his famous two words, "You're Fired!"
Well that is all for now! Before I go, I want to give a second to my dear friend Jordan who's dad had to have open heart surgery after going in for a simple stress test. I am thinking of her and her family and wishing his dad a speedy recovery. I would just like to ask that you all keep her in your thoughts and prayers (if you do that sort of thing). Thanks a million!
Walking around Chicago, I ran into a Lego Man. So cool. He looks like the perfect man! He is well dressed, can't speak, and is ready to cuddle and show love. AMAZING!:)
Friday, June 5, 2009
Nothing's Gonna Change My World
It has been way too long since my last post. It seems that life & work get in the way more than I would like. Work has kept me super busy. I am putting in a lot of hours but it is definitely worth it because I love it. Wednesday I worked 7am-7pm and then had book club in silver spring, which was an hour commute from work. I didn't get home until 10:30pm and then had to get up at 5AM on Thursday in order to make it to work by 6:30AM for the HR Investment Center meeting we were hosting in our offices. I left work yesterday at 3:30 and by 4:30, I was at home taking a nap that lasted until 9pm. wow. Needless to say, that made it very difficult to fall asleep and so I tossed and turned until 1am. I made it into work this morning by 7:30AM but my brain is just not functioning. The weekend doesn't offer any refuge as it is packed with another wedding and getting ready for my week long trip for work. I leave Sunday afternoon for Dallas. I will be there until Wednesday and then fly to Chicago and will be there Wednesday evening to Friday evening. wow! busy bee! I am already exhausted.
Going back to the topic of Book Club--it was such a great discussion. As you may recall, we read "Blindness" by Jose Saramago. As I have mentioned before, I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes to read. The major complaint of people was that the book seemed tired and that there were a lot of allegories and cliches. Bottom line is that it is about a city that is affected by a "white blindness" that affects everyone but one female. It is a story that shows how dependent we are on our society. When the city of people lost their sight, all hell broke loose and people who were once moral citizens turned into animals and monsters. It is a page turner!!!
Our next book for the July 7th meeting is "Midsummer's Children" by salman rushdie. I don't know much about the book and have personally never heard of the author so am keeping an open mind and picking up the book this weekend to read on my flight. I am also currently reading "The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao." It is really good. I picked it up off our bookshelf after I finished Blindness so that I would have something to read in the downtime. It is surprisingly better than I could have imagined, even though it has a lot of Spanish in it and since I don't know that language, I am sure I am missing some really great stuff in the book.
Tonight Kevin and I are going out to a really nice dinner and then watching the new Pixar movie "Up" in 3D. I can't wait! It looks adorable and received great reviews. Tomorrow I have a whole lot of errands to run and then we have a wedding to attend (one of Kev's family friends). Sunday I fly out at noon to Dallas, which I am very excited about. I can't wait to see Dallas and stay in the Ritz (my very first time)! Ahhh--to be treated like royalty. How could I complain?
Going back to the topic of Book Club--it was such a great discussion. As you may recall, we read "Blindness" by Jose Saramago. As I have mentioned before, I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes to read. The major complaint of people was that the book seemed tired and that there were a lot of allegories and cliches. Bottom line is that it is about a city that is affected by a "white blindness" that affects everyone but one female. It is a story that shows how dependent we are on our society. When the city of people lost their sight, all hell broke loose and people who were once moral citizens turned into animals and monsters. It is a page turner!!!
Our next book for the July 7th meeting is "Midsummer's Children" by salman rushdie. I don't know much about the book and have personally never heard of the author so am keeping an open mind and picking up the book this weekend to read on my flight. I am also currently reading "The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao." It is really good. I picked it up off our bookshelf after I finished Blindness so that I would have something to read in the downtime. It is surprisingly better than I could have imagined, even though it has a lot of Spanish in it and since I don't know that language, I am sure I am missing some really great stuff in the book.
Tonight Kevin and I are going out to a really nice dinner and then watching the new Pixar movie "Up" in 3D. I can't wait! It looks adorable and received great reviews. Tomorrow I have a whole lot of errands to run and then we have a wedding to attend (one of Kev's family friends). Sunday I fly out at noon to Dallas, which I am very excited about. I can't wait to see Dallas and stay in the Ritz (my very first time)! Ahhh--to be treated like royalty. How could I complain?
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