There was a grisly murder at UVA - an all star lacrosse player killed his on again, off again girlfriend, who was also a star lacrosse player. He comes from a very prominent family here in Chevy Chase, MD and she is from the Baltimore area. News sources say that her roommate found her and called the police reporting that her roommate was not breathing and thought it was an alcohol poisoning related incident. Since her body had numerous marks on it, an overdose of alcohol just didn't make sense. It is recently reported that the guy, George, turned himself in and confessed to the murder. In times like these, you can only pray for the strength of her family and friends.

By law he is "innocent until proven guilty" but this is my blog so I can say what I want! What a monster!!!! It saddens me that cases like this is where the justice system fails! He is the type of kid who was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth and will have mommy and daddy's money to help him get the best lawyers so that he isn't treated like the criminal that he is! Virginia has the death penalty but like so many other rich citizens, I am sure they will find a loop hole that only gives him a few years in prison. I will be watching this story very closely because I hope that I am wrong about him and his sentencing I would LOVE to see the justice system actually work!
I am not a proponent of the death penalty but I do know that if the victim was my sister or my daughter, I would not rest until I knew that he and his family suffered loss too! An eye for an eye!
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