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Video Chat
Kev and I set up gmail video chat today and it is SO COOL! Lucky for us, we both have cameras built in to our work computers.
I guess the Golf Master's started today and I am already SO TIRED of hearing about Tiger! My goodness. Yes, we all know he is amazing at golf. And yes, we heard he is a lying, cheating, nasty jerk! Got it! now news outlets, please discuss something else! 
I can not believe it is Thursday! This week has been SO SUPER FAST! Happy tomorrow is Friday and the weekend is almost here. I am ready to have a fun, relaxing weekend at home for once.
Kevin and I watched 2012 last night and it is really cheesy, but good! It kept us on the edge of our seats for the majority of the 2.5 hours it was on! The movie brought up a good conversation topic - Do you believe the Mayans that the world will come to an end in 2012? Two short years left.
The movie did a good job of showing the natural disasters leading up to the year 2012 and if you think about all the earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes, it seems like it could make sense. Not to mention that the world ended once before when it killed all the dinosaurs. Not sure what I think - I think it is possible but I don't want to devote too much time to the topic because it could be really depressing and destructive. If 2012 is the end of the world, i find comfort in knowing it is the end for everyone and everything so no one is left to grieve for lost love ones.
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