So today's blog is about things I do not like. I will be discussing the following:
- The rain in the district
- Kings of Leon comments in Rolling Stone Magazine
- Doctor Expenses
Believe it or not, it is still raining in the district. wow. It has been a very long time since the sun has peeked through the clouds and I do not like it. The weather is now in the low sixties,which feels cool compared to the low 90 degree weather we were blessed with two weekends ago. I can never decide what to wear in the morning to commute to work because in my mile walk my pants seem to get soaking wet and muddy from the splash up but my legs freeze when I wear skirts or dresses. I can't win!

Now the third complaint--DOCTOR BILLS! wow. Last week was very tough on my check book because penny got her yearly shots and then had to go back the next day because she had an allergic reaction to the rabies shot and had to be put on pain killers and benedryl, which also cost me an arm and a leg. Then Penny cut her little arm in the yard on who-knows-what had to be rushed to the vet to get sutures. Even though I would spend a million dollars on her should I ever have to because I love her dearly, I shelled out more than I make in a week! yikes! Then, as if my week couldn't get anymore expensive, i went to the dentist to get a retainer and it turns out, the thing was twice as much as they told me and insurance doesn't cover a single cent of it. go figure! I checked the insurance website today and it says a million different things. Somewhere it says it will cover it until I am 25, another says until 23, then another section says not at all. I guess they chose to not cover it at all. Sheesh! So much for being one of the "lucky" insured gals. Doesn't seem to be too helpful!
Now I am not completely mad and upset because I do have things to be happy about. Casey picked me up at lunch today and we ate lunch at "Potbelly's." YUMMY! It was nice to see her and catch up because even though we live in the same city, our social lives keep getting in the way of our sister time. Another thing I am happy about is the man in my life, Kevin. Yesterday (5-04) we celebrated our one year. For our anniversary, he got me a beautiful sterling silver bracelet from Tiffany's that is just like the picture below but is my initial instead of x & o. I am one lucky gal:)
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