Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Eve of New Year's Eve
So this morning I went to the doctor for a sonogram and I think it is good news. The doctor is almost positive that it is a benign lump (thank goodness) but just to be sure, I will have a biopsy next Tuesday. I am obviously not "thrilled" about having a shot of anesthetic and then a needle in my breast to take a piece of the lump, but I know that it is necessary. Just typing it makes me cringe. I am just so lucky to have such a strong support system behind me.
After my appointment, the boyfriend and I went to the gym so that we can get trim and healthy. While he played basketball, I took a Zumba class. If you know me, you know that I am not a good dancer. I am terrible at choreographed dances and was very hesitant to try the class even though I have secretly been jealous of the people who always talk about doing Zumba. Well I sucked up my pride and did the class and it was not as bad as I thought. It made me feel a lot better that it was all women and half of them were over the age of 50. It was so funny to see the grey haired grannies shaking their butts. I almost broke out in a fit of laughter when the grannies were shaking their hips and smacking their bums. What a sight! It was very hard to be self-conscious about my coordination when i had that to watch.
Tonight I will be having dinner with my dear friend Jordan. It is hard to believe that this time next month, she will be in New York for a grad program at Columbia University. I am very proud of her but my selfish side wishes she would have "settled" for University of Maryland so that she would continue to stay close to me:( Life is just full of changes! At least, it is a cheap bus ride to go visit her, which is always a plus.
Well this has turned out to be a very long post so I hope you enjoy the glimpse into my day.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Very Bad Blogger Indeed
My new job at WeddingWire has kept me extremely busy - sorry for the short hiatus. I promise to not leave you hanging again.
Where should I Start on the updates? 1. casey got her wedding dress (which is beautiful!) 2. we are selling the boyfriend's house in the new year so we can get our own place together 3. mother bear vistied for 2 weeks and it was glorious 4. dc had a blizzard that kept us indoors for three long days - thank goodness for movies, games, and adult beverages 4. penny and lukie are doing great 5. the boyfriend and i couldn't be better and 6. I can't believe it is soon to be the end of a decade.
Nothing much is going on in the little life of vanessa. I am very nervous and anxious because i am going to the doctor tomorrow for a sonogram. My *lady doctor* found a lump and is sending me to get it checked out. I am sure that it is nothing but I still can't help but to be nervous. The "C" word is so very scary. Please keep your little fingers crossed for me to receive a clean bill of health.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The B Word
Wow is all I can say. I am very discouraged. I am glad that I will be starting a new job on Monday that pays a bit more. Not to mention the fact that my work will now reflect in my pay check because if I do well, I will get bonuses and commission. Hopefully I will learn soon enough to put those straight into my ING account and forget about it.
I will be sure to let you in on some cost saving tips as I explore in the month of November.
Friday, October 23, 2009
To Vaccinate or Not? I think NOT!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Beauty Rest & Budget Thoughts
I think I was just exhausted thinking about the rest of the week.
Tonight I am going home to let the babies out and then driving over to my friend's house in friendship heights for Book Club--yay! That always makes for a late evening.
Tomorrow I have to be at work at 6:45 am late in the evening. Time TBD!
Then Friday I have to come back into work at 6:30am, make it to a doc appointment at 11, and then come back into the office for a meeting at 2pm! i am hoping i will be able to escape from work a little early since i am putting in so many hours. i am obviously just counting down the days until next Friday comes and it is my last day on this job!!
The boyfriend is still in Nashville (until the end of the week). I am officially wearing my sad face. He has been putting in long hours so we haven't really communicated to each other except a few short emails and a 5 minute phone conversation. That is very tough, especially since we typically know each other's every move and thought.
I am FINALLY getting my hair done on Saturday. Hooray! It has been 4 months and my roots are shining and my hair has more split ends than I know what to do with. I sit at my desk and cut them with my desk scissors, which is probably a good indication that I need to do something about it!
Money has been tight lately, especially with Penny's recent vet bills. (*Side note: I would spend millions of dollars on her if it was necessary!) I need to evaluate my budget for the month of September and October. The boyfriend and I tracked all of our spending in August to assess where all of our dollars go but haven't since so we have no idea how we are doing on the little budget we set. I shall post about that in the near future.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Time to Let the Cat out of the Bag
I am sorry for being so hush hush on the issue, but you never know who could be reading your blog;)
My last day at ABC will be Friday, October 30 and my first day at Weddingwire will be Monday, November 2nd. (I know, I know. There is no time in between the two--just call me crazy!)

As for the babies, the boyfriend's sister sent me cute ideas for penny and lukie's costumes.
Do you think this is fitting for Lukie?

Here is my idea for Ms. Penny Lane--she can be my partner in crime.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Get Well Soon Penny Lane

Here is a picture I took of her this morning. Poor little girl is so lethargic. she doesn't play and she sleeps entire days and nights. She gets worse everyday. She has a vet appointment this afternoon so we will see what is going on in her little body.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday Comes with Rain
i am ready to make my way home. I am treating the boyfriend to pf changs tonight. YUMMY! he is feeling overwhelmed and is super stressed about life and all of its tasks that I told him i would cheer him up by having dinner at the chang. we have been talking about dinner there for the past two weeks so it is very exciting that we are finally going. I can't wait to fill up my belly on lettuce wrap and kung po chicken.
Speaking of chicken, i was checking out the new dogs at the shelter online today during a quick break and saw that the montgomery county (maryland) animal shelter has two chickens they are trying to find homes for. Can you believe that? A) Who has chickens in the suburbs of DC and B) Who would give up/turn their chickens in to the humane society.
In case you were wondering, Sister's wedding planning is going well. The venue (Indiana University) was available so she was able to book it (a win). She just called me and said that the photgrapher she wanted is way too expensive (a loss) but the band she wanted has her wedding date available and is very affordable (a win). Since the band was the most important thing on her list, I would say that despite the upset of the photographer, she is coming out on top. Yay for her! We also found pictures of a popcorn bar and candy bar for her to potentially have at the reception. The popcorn will be perfect for her considering her fiance's family L-O-V-E-S popcorn. I think that would be a cute gesture for them to incorporate into her big day. I will keep you updated as the planning continues...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
An Instant Headache
I will say that I have suddenly had a drastic change of heart on tobacco and its use. I have a tobacco chewing/dipping boyfriend. Yuck! I used to not think it was "so" bad. When people would say, "how do you stand that?" I would stick up for him and say that it doesn't bother me because I never notice. the boyfriend is very good about brushing his teeth after each chew/dip so as to not leave any evidence. I always stuck up for him..until now. The other night, we were sitting at home recapping the scary movie we had just watched during a triple date. The boyfriend borrowed "a tin" from our male roommate as we all sat on the couch. The boyfriend was telling a story as he picked the brown stuff from the tin and stuffed two big gobs in his lower lip. I was more than disgusted. I am not quite sure why it bothered me so much but it was quite a turn off. I used the line, *Yawn* "I am tired so I am going to head to bed." I wanted to avoid any conflict or confrontation but it put me in an instant bad mood. He is lucky that I am completely head over heels for him and adore him so much because if i didn't, that would be a habit that I would not choose to live with. It would be a big adios senor if he were anyone else. I know that sounds really harsh but I do not want those I care about have to go through cancer. Especially a cancer brought on my one's own choices, such as jaw cancer from chewing tobacco. I love him so much and love his sweet kisses and could not imagine not having those in my life. Just say no to tobacco!
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Surprise Party for the 29-Year-Old

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thirsty Thursday

U2 has been touring the world for the past three months and they have yet to make a dime off of it because of the supremely costly stage set-up.
The Claw, as it is called, is their portable stage - and it costs about $750,000 to construct and transport…for every single show!
The band isn't expected to turn a profit of any kind until they finish the North American leg of their U2 360 tour in October.
Although, let's be honest, they already have heaps of money.
It's nice to know they're putting on a good show for their fans even though it might not be the cheapest endeavor.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Bono, I want to touch you!

...and me and the boyfriend are going to experience it firsthand. We received FREE tickets from his sister who received them from her neighbor.
I heard Bono & the band at the inaugural concert in January 2009 so am excited to hear his little voice again.

I am really hoping to get a better view of Bono this time. It would be excellent to get some pics and maybe a hand touch. I don't think that is too much to ask for, do you? We shall see...
Other than the excitement from U2, not much is new in the brief, wonderous life of Vanessa.
Sunday is Kev's bday and we have a lot of birthday plans this week which include Clue, Story Story 1 & 2 double feature in 3D and a sushi dinner on Saturday night. Come Sunday, I do not plan to get out of the comfort of my little bed.I will need a couple of aspirins, a big glass of water, and the littel babies' bodies to keep me warm and I will just be happy as a clam. I would be really excited right now for that moment, except for the fact that sunday means it is almost monday which means the start of another work week. yikes! I will just sit here patiently and wait in taht case.
I have dived face first into blogs this week and can't get enough. Here are some NEED TO KNOW SITES. My gift to you. Enjoy my little loves!!!
Here is the list:
...and for fun I present:
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Gotta Keep On Moving
A Quick Catch Up:
- Free Fest in Columbia, MD was AH-MAZING. The boyfriend and I saw The Hold Steady, Weezer, Jet, and The Bravery just to name a few. We also saw Flava Flave. haha:) He is so little. I could not believe my eyeballs.
- The St Louis, MO trip was a blast. The roommates are now officially Mr. & Mrs. Brian Callery. Their wedding was beautiful and so much fun. The boyfriend and I stayed an extra night and made a day of sightseeing where we went to the arch, the budweiser brewery, The City Museum (so cool!) and an expensive sushi dinner.
- I hopped off of the plane from st louis on Monday night just to hop on a place to El Lay on Tuesday morning.
- Currently, I am writing from my computer in Los Angeles, California. I am here on a business trip so that doesn't leave much time to sight see. I will say that I do not like California as much as I once did. Home is where the heart is and my heart is in The District.
- The boyfriend called today to inform me that Lukie is limping around and crying when he walks up to him. The culprit? Lukie stepped on a bee when he went out to pee (the rhyming was not on purpose--i promise!) Poor little man! I hate that i am across the country and can't spoil him rotten.
- Sister went to The Kings of Leon concert tonight with her man and I am green with envy! I wanted to go soooo bad! Why does work always seem to get in the way?
Well that is my life in a nutshell.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Where is my brain?

The Academies Girls are hitting the town tonight for Lindsay's Birthday.
This is Lindsay---------------------------------->
My work day is about over (phew!), which is good since i am missing my brain. Tonight, I am going to relax, gossip, and drink a glass of wine or two and have a blast with my favorite ladies.
I needed to brag a bit---I got a dress for my roommate's wedding (it is in St. Louis over Labor Day weekend) at TJ MAXX yesterday for $20! I also got a new dress for the rehearsal dinner for $18. Because I got such great deals, I got quirky little black satin Paris Hilton stilettos to go with both dresses for $40. You can't beat that! All three of the new purchases are ADORABLE! I can not wait to show you the pictures after the wedding.
One more thing...I was googling around yesterday at my lunch break to get an idea of what type of dress I wanted to get for the roommate's wedding when I stumbles across this blog that rocked my little world. Check it out: I am obviously not engaged and was not looking at the site for the wedding planning aspect but the ideas are cool for any sort of party or event. Also, the woman writing the blog is a total free spirit who is anything but traditional. I loved reading why she didn't want to be "given away" by her father at the wedding and reading other people's comments and questions to the bloggist. If you have time to kill, please check it out.
Well it is almost closing time for my little Dell, therefore I need to say goodbye. I will do my best to get one more posting on here before the weekend.
Until then, have a happy Thursday and don't leave your brain anywhere....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
All About ME!
- The Mother & The Sister
- The Boyfriend
- Penny Lane, Lukie, & Joey aka "the babies"
- Grandparents
- Close Friends
- My Tell City Clan--love them!
- Cute Elderly Folks
- Window Shopping--I am the person who looks at and touches EVERYTHING, and then yells at the person shopping with me to look or feel whatever it is I am looking and feeling.
- Living in the District
- Live Music at bars and festivals
- Concerts and lots of them!
- Unexpected good times
- Playing Board games and winning
- Summertime
- Indie Rock
- Thursday night outings with the Girls
- Happy Hours
- Piano Bars, especially Howl at the Moon
- Wicked on Broadway
- The Doors
- Cooking
- Watching 3-D movies at the theater
- Starbucks Coffee Mug Collection
- People who wear north face jackets with flip flops, especially rainbows. If it is cold enough for a fleece on your mid body than it is too dang cold for exposed toes.
- Drivers when I am a pedestrian or biker, Pedestrians when I am a driver or biker , and bikers when I am running, walking, or driving.
- Monday Mornings
- Nights that are a total waste of makeup
- When people say "Y'All" and/or "fixin to." YUCK!
- When people do not know/use the proper form of words such as "there" vs "their" and "your" vs "you're." That is grade school language arts, people! Come on!
- When I find grammatical errors in books--isn't that why the author paid for an editor?
- Old turkey on my Subway Sandwich
- People who do not clean up after themselves:(
- All Bugs--especially mosquitoes and spiders
- The way my hair frizzes in the DC summer humidity
- Elderly People who feel they are entitled to everything--including cutting you in line. Isn't the fact that you are getting everything cheaper than me through the senior citizen discount enough?
- Not having enough money to buy everything I want.
- Not having enough money to travel the world.
- Playing board games and "NOT" winning.
- Winter/Snow--as a commuter, it is a big pain in the "you know what."
- LOVING a restaurant just to go back for the same wonderful entree and not having it be as good as I remembered the first time.
- People who clearly do not look in the mirror at what they're wearing and how it looks on their bodies before leaving the house and facing the public.
- Lindsay Lohan
- John Gosselin and his broken family--those poor kids!
- People who try to get on the elevator as soon as the door opens, even though people need to get off. It is common courtesy to wait until people exit the elevator before stepping foot into it.. Come one people!
- People who stand on the LEFT on the escalator. That is how you tell a tourist from a local in DC. STAND on the RIGHT so people can WALK on the LEFT.
Is it bad that I found it easier to think of my peeves than my loves?
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Case of the Mondays

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sweet Home Indiana

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Adopt Me!

-She is at the Washington DC Humane Society.
Wally (8106913)
Hi, I'm Wally! I'm an 8 year old Terrier mix (I'm a super mix - a "Heinz 57!"). While I was out searching for my new forever family I wandered too close to the road and got hit by a car! :( Don't worry, I’m ok. I hurt my back a little but the vet says I'm gonna be just fine. :)
I'm a very friendly, social guy! I can't walk too well on a leash while my back is healing, but I'm ALWAYS ready to snuggle! I’m generally tolerant and responsive to leadership, really I’m just a laidback, calm pup! I am not too comfortable with other dogs, just a little scared of them, but I'm sure I'd be ok as I get to meet nice new ones little by little. Come by and meet me today! Oh yes and I’m all done growing (and maybe could stand to lose a little weight!) at nearly 30lbs.
-Wally is at the Washington DC animal shelter
Please do your part and ADOPT! These poor little dogs did not have a choice in losing their homes. A shelter is not a forever home!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Monday Monday
I know I haven't blogged since last week and you are probably wondering how Vegas was---and my answer is...EXHAUSTING! I never realized how brutal the 3 hour time difference is--probably because I have always been on summer break when I traveled out West. Kevin and I had a very relaxing time and enjoyed our resort---IT WAS GORGEOUS! We made our way to the strip on two separate nights (one for sushi and one for the Bellagio buffet and the cirque de soleil show, KA). I am one that LOVES Vegas, but this trip showed me a different side of Vegas because I didn't drink and didn't party. To be honest, I did not care for Vegas at all! I was happy to be off the strip in Henderson. There were a wide variety of people there but mostly girls with tiny, tight hoochy dresses that were looking for sugar daddys and a "free" ride. Rule of thumb: If you wouldn't wear the outfit in your current city with your group of friends, you probably shouldn't wear it in Vegas. S-C-A-N-D-A-L-O-U-S!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It is Tuesday which means a couple of things:
1. The Boyfriend and I have a 70 minute run on our training schedule planned for today! BLAH!
2. It is the night before we leave for Vegas. We have a lot of packing & cleaning to do before then. It is going to be a very long evening.
Believe it or not I have been craving sushi since I had it in New York after the Broadway show. I can't get it off of my mind. Now don't get too excited--I will only eat vegetable sushi but it still counts, right? I am dreaming of it and my mouth is salivating as I type this. I turn another year older and my tastebuds change the next day. Funny how that works!:)
I have been super busy at work so haven't had a chance to catch up on the celebrity gossip but I did hear that Reggie Bush (24) and Kim Kardashian (28) called it quits. So weird because Kevin and I were talking about them last night because we thought they were engaged but I saw on where she was talking about buying her own house and not moving in with Reggie until they were engaged, etc. Now we find out they were neither engaged nor going out anymore. wow!

Monday, July 27, 2009
It's the bugs or me....

Now on to details of the birthday weekend...
It was the best birthday yet! I had a great time with sister doing girls night out on Thursday and sister's date night on Friday. We also met up with friends and the boyfriends and spent some time at an irish pub drinking beer and listening to music. The NYC trip was AH-MAZING! Here is the opening shot of the stage to "Wicked." This show was amazing!!!! Yes-It brought tears to my eyes more than once and gave me and the boyfriend chill bumps. The talent is unbelievable.
Here is a sign i found in NYC. Look closely! It is a 2 in 1 cup with chicken nuggets on top and your drink on bottom. Quite hilarious. is this a good idea? I must say that I cracked up when I saw this combination.
The day we got there, we spent some time sight seeing around the Financial District and a little shop had a furry friend they called Poncho. He was adorable. If you look closely behind me, you can see a row of pictures pasted to the window. Believe it or not, they are all pictures of him wearing different outfits. He was the sweetest dog and he just chilled in the window. So adorable!!!
So I have a confession to make...i let you all down. I didn't use my camera this weekend!!! I know, I know. I was dreading breaking this news to you. The truth is that casey had her nice camera out and was taking a ton of pictures (see Facebook) and then in New York when I busted it out, the battery had died. wow! I was really upset about it. Thank goodness for the boyfriend's IPhone or else we wouldn't have any pictures to document the amazing birthday weekend in New York.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Golden Birthday

Last night we went to a few bars with some girlfriends and had a low key, fun night. We went to 51st state for the music, James Hoban's for the $5 martinis, and Front Page for the dancing.
*Note: James Hoban's wouldn't serve my girlfriend Jordan because her ID was messed up (plastic was peeling off) so we left to go to our old standby--Front Page.
Tonight is sister's date night. I have a very special evening planned for us that may or may not involve a BYOB place where we can be artistic and let her creative sides shine through. We will follow up the date night by meeting the boyfriends out for a few drinks and laughs. I will be sure to have my camera ready to snap some photos. I have been very negelecful of my little camera by putting it on the back burner but today that is going to change. Get ready camera!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
HUMP DAY 7.22.09
Today has been a very fast work day, which is wonderful because this week has been going at a snail's pace. I am trying to get as much done as possible today and tomorrow because I am sure I won't be feeling so hot after the late night birthday celebration that will be happening with my girlfriends on Friday night. $5 martinis never ends with a happy morning.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
No I am not Dead...Just Busy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
So mom has been asking me what i want for my birthday and i haven't really given it much thought because I CAN'T BELIEVE it is July already. Not only that, but the second week of July. Where has 2009 gone? Wow. I can't think of anything I want besides loads and loads of money, which is a BIG stresser for me right now. Between rent, school loans, bills, and the cost to just survive in a city, I am pretty much scraping by without a penny to spare. Since July is an expensive month with Meg's engagement gift, Anessia's wedding gift, Casey's Birthday Gift, Lukie's shots, extending work a night in Vegas to enjoy the city, and New York for my birthday, I am not quite sure how I am going to make this month's income stretch for all of those things. If I could be granted anything for my birthday, it would be for a larger salary and no debt. Wouldn't that be nice! sheesh.
The beach with the Lanik's was amazing---so relaxing. I got a little bit of a tan and had the opportunity to sleep in and rest. That was very much needed, indeed. Kevin and I made sure to get physical activities in, as we ran and rode bikes. On the 4th, we rode about 10 or 12 miles and the traffic was so bad that I was terrified because vehicles were driving in the bike lane and didn't even pay attention to me happening to be pedaling by. Yikes! But I made it and am here to tell all about it.
We had some great meals and even found the time and energy to grill out one night, which in my opinion, was the best meal of the trip. Kevin's dad, George is an amazing grill master and his mom, Joan is a fabulous little cook so if you put them together, you have one heck of a meal.
I took my book club book-midnight's children by salman rushdie-to the beach with all intentions of finishing it but everytime I picked it up, I got bored, which put me in a bad mood. I am not even half way through the big boring book and book club is next Tuesday, the 14th. Eeek! Kev's mom could sense my agitation so she lent me a book she just finished called, "Shoot the Moon" by Eddie Letts. She is the author of "Where the Heart Is." The book was AMAZING! seriously, I could not put it down and by the next evening, I had finished the book and was wanting more--a lot more. Between wanting to discuss this book and Kevin working hard on his fantasy football website, I made the decision to create a book website where I can blog and people can comment about books and have discussions. I just started it today and will make it my summer/fall project so hopefully it will be up and running by October/November. That is my goal.
If you get curious, you can feel free to check it out. The website is
I have a lot of cool ideas for it--I just have to figure out how to implement them!
I hope you all had an amazing 4th of July and had the opportunity to watch some fireworks.
Until next time...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Beach Week